As Chair of the Environment Committee I look forward to discussing and implementing a number of important issues in 2014. I have received suggestions from various Councilmembers about topics they would like discussed in the upcoming year. I have integrated some of these suggested topics of discussion with my priorities below:
Water Reuse
Discuss and move forward on an implementation plan on a potable reuse system for the city
Enhance Potable Reuse Project Public Outreach and Education Program
Discuss strategy of continuing to diversify the city's sources of water and how the city can minimize importing water from. outside the region, including city efforts to incentivize water conservation efforts
Water and Wastewater Rates
Begin discussing the next Water Cost of Service Study
Review revised Wastewater Cost of Service Study
Discuss enhancing Prop 218 notifications in bill mailings
Discuss options for stream.lining Water and Wastewater billings
Receive update regarding implementation of the City Auditor's recommendations regarding the Industrial Wastewater Program
Receive update on the Point Lorn.a Water Treatment Plant EPA Waiver
Receive reports from Independent Rates Oversight Committee and the County Water Authority Receive Recycled Water Pricing Study Update
Urban Forestry Program:
Discuss expanded urban forestry program
Support urban greening throughout San Diego
Proactive Monitoring of Environmental Issues at the Federal, State and Regional Levels
Review and discuss action the committee can take regarding environmental issues at all levels of government affecting San Diegans quality of life
Discuss implementation of the Master Storm Water System Maintenance Program and further improvements to flood channel clearing and maintenance
Development of comprehensive long-term watershed management for flood control in at-risk areas
I look forward to chairing the Environment Committee in 2014 and working with each committee member on their priorities to ensure the city continues its commitment to protection and oversight of precious natural and cultural resources throughout San Diego.
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